Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tattoos & High Fashion

[Not a lot of things are hotter than tattoos peeking out of a well-tailored suit. I'm not talking about a Fall Out Boy-esque suit with a stupid hat and Chuck Taylors.  A real suit.]

I love tattoos. I have since I was a kid, and saw my first punk rocker.  I remember tugging on my mom’s dress and saying I want “that”- the skull tattoo on the woman’s arm.  I could imagine my mom’s expression was like, “Oh boy.” 

            I know tattoos are not everyone’s cup of tea.  But I imagine people who don’t like them have never liked them, and thus illogically assume people who do like them will regret having them in the long term.  These people are entitled to their wrong opinions. haha

Moving away from the full-on rock aesthetic of my younger days, as an adult I appreciate tattoos in the high fashion context.  A lot of what makes fashion exciting is contrast.  Such as the contrast of high fashion against a rock sensibility.  

1 comment:

  1. YAAAY!! My first comment!!
    Thanks, Danielle. I try my best!
    That is a huge pet peeve of mine- nice suits with Chuck Taylors. Barely cool when we were 16, not cool now.
