Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fashion Fail: Part II

Sometimes I go for drinks with my old work buddies at this hipster bar off Beverly and La Cienaga called the Roger Room.  The Rog has a vintage, Prohibition-era vibe, and all the bartenders and staff wear these cool outfits with collared shirt, suspenders and oxfords.  This was the primary inspiration for this outfit.  I wore this to work a few months ago, and I intended for this to be a preppy look, with a splash of 1920's.

[Cardigan- Marciano.  Shirt- Express.  Suspenders & Skirt- F21.  Shoes- Hinge  by Halogen.  Knee highs-]

In retrospect, I think this may have been less "Prohibition-era Prep," and more "Oktoberfest wench."  I regret nothing.